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A number of the libraries required as dependencies for the SDK also have proguard configuration requirements. The complete recommended configuration is located in the SDK Sample App.

Release Notes

V1.10.0(May 2022)

1.Fix VivoWatch SP Compatible with new FW.

2.Add getLocalData


V1.9.2(May 2022)

1.VivoWatch SP,5 support altitude, air pressure, g sensor.


V1.9.1(April 2022)

1.Fix crash when legacy upgrade.


V1.9.0(April 2022)

1.Added support for VivoWatch 5.


V1.8.0(May 2021)

1.Added support for GERD CAP.


V1.7.0(January 2021)

1.Added support for VivoWatch SP.


V1.6.2(December 2020)

1.Added data logging during data upload to OmniCare.

V1.6.1(September 2020)

1.Security update.

V1.6.0(August 2020)

1.In order to ensure the stability of data retrieval, we have established a local database. When the server is abnormal, the data will be returned from the local database.
